One of his therapists suggested a game that I thought was pretty awesome. It's a regular old ball and she wrote different phrases like "Find a happy place" or "Take a deep breath" to help him practice relaxation techniques. We toss the ball back and forth and wherever his right thumb lands is the "relaxation" that he needs to practice.
I wanted to do this game at home with him, but I changed it up a bit to include some important self advocacy skills. Like, "Say or sign "NO!" and "Think of a way to ask for a break!". So, we did it and he LOVES it. My personal favorite is "LOUD HANDS!" because he sure loves his loud hands! I think that you could customize this ball to your individual child's needs, and even use PECS cards or pictures. I used words because my child happens to be hyperlexic and words and reading are big motivators for him. Anyway, I wanted to share some pictures, and yes, the "WILD card" is the Ice King from "Adventure Time" because our house is totally inappropriate.